Someone once said, “The only thing that’s certain is death and taxes.” While both can bring grief, many other events in life also provide reasons to grieve. Perhaps a common reason as a child is the loss of a pet. Or, the loss of a favorite toy. Or, the loss of a girlfriend / boyfriend. As we grow up, we lose those we love, sometimes to distance and sometimes to death.
Each person displays grief in his or her own way. This can include depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, sadness, insomnia, loss of appetite or energy, loss of motivation, crying, and a number of other manifestations.
Grief is the natural response to loss. Though pain is experienced as time passes following a loss, time often helps the hurt become less hurtful. Unfortunately, some people are unable to cope effectively with their grief, particularly if they lost a close member of their family. This can result in Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD). The affected person is simply unable to carry on a normal life due to the overwhelming grief they feel. In such cases, professional help is needed to try to get over the grief to a point of being able to function again.
Fortunately, most people don’t experience PGD, however the grief can still be overwhelming. It can also be difficult rebuilding one’s life, especially if the loss was a spouse or child. Professional counseling can help with the grieving process and achieve a sense of normalcy in life.
Even after time has helped the grief dissipate, it can come back. It is common for a reminder to arouse feelings of grief. Reminders can come in the form of a song or movie, seeing someone who was close to the one you lost, or an anniversary or birth date of the person. The Mayo Clinic calls these “anniversary reactions.”
If you are grieving from a loss in your life, you don’t have to bear that load alone. Seek the help of a professional counselor, even if only for a little while.